One Platform,
One Ecosystem

One Ecosystem that brings Tech and Services together with a Platform that is built from scratch and works in perfect harmony.

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Platform overview BluSapphire

1 out of 3

Medium enterprises are affected by Ransomware.

 We  prioritize customer benefit and make choices that create long-term value for customers

8+ tools eliminated

From the client system in consolidation, reducing End point Agents

 We  prioritize customer benefit and make choices that create long-term value for customers

Business benefits

Delivering Cyber Resilience

No matter where you are in your journey to establishing Cyber Resilience, we can enable you to be Better.


Integrate the BluSapphire platform with the tools you already implement, and use them as one integrated function in your business.

Unlimited Hot Data Storage

Enhance data management with a scalable storage solution that provides unlimited 'Hot' searchable data. Maximize your existing data lake solution by eliminating data duplication through cross-data lake querying in BluSapphire. This enables cost-effective operations and effortless identification of hidden threats, ensuring efficient and secure operations.

Powered by AI, ML, and Big Data

With the power of AI, we automate and relieve the tasks of the Specialist working on monitoring the systems. ML-based advanced diagnostics help identify new and existing threats to your system and Big Data ensures that the right decisions are always powered by timely data access.


We can promise quick deployment and no slowdown in business operations while still being effective in protecting you.

Wide upgrade

Start where you want with our platform. Choose the functionalities that you require and add more as you require more.


We are always adding new functionalities that make you more secure as more threats develop. We will never sleep till you are safe.


One Complete Solution

Here are the Key components that provide a complete solution

BluSapphire basic card

One  Platform

Our One  platform brings in multiple functions that are required for full coverage of your internal systems for your detection and response needs.

BluSapphire Advanced card

Blu Hawk - MDR

We bring in amazing expertise with our BluHawk team to provide MDR and CDR capabilities to manage both our own and other third-party products with maximum flexibility. 

BluSapphire Elite card

Secure Data Lake

Transform your SecOps architecture by seamlessly utilising Secure DataLake along with your current SIEM to cut your storage costs, resulting in at least 70% cost  benefit.

The perspectives may be different, but the view is always unified

Do more with the only truly open cybersecurity platform

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Custom reports

The BluSapphire platform comes with custom dashboards that help communicate your cybersecurity posture to everyone involved, on their terms.

Intelligence on threats and assets

Understand your exposure to threats and your asset protection in real-time, including when new software and systems implementations take place.


Integrated View

See the full picture of how your existing tools and BluSapphire work to preserve your current cybersecurity state.

BluSapphire Elite card

Work with BluSapphire's MDR Team and the Elite suite

Explore MDR

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Work with BluSapphire's MDR Team and the Elite suite

Power of Open Data Lake with AI: visibility made simple.

Ingests live telemetry and contextualizes real-time analytics by correlating billions of events.

Comprehensive automated telemetry enrichment for complete visibility into threats, in a single, unified console

Predicts, investigates, and helps analysts rapidly respond to threats happening across the organization

360 Degree MITRE Mapping

Prediction of attacker’s behavior made simple.

With cutting edge AI, 360-degree view into attacker movements at click of a button.

Predict behavior leading to Identity compromise, lateral movement and Ransomware

Report and respond to Threats before they hit you!

Hunt, Respond to adversaries in real time

Connect dots on adversary movements, prioritize your investigations definitive to evolving threat landscape

Hunt for latest adversaries, techniques, and targets seamlessly via cross intelligence exchange & BluSapphire’s expert security research teams.

Respond to identified adversaries at ease with automation across vendor landscape